2016 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide

Book cover for "2016 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide" Anthology

2016 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide

Send their imagination to the stars!

I highly recommend this collection. I love the variety of young voices it contains. From kids making first contact to piloting starships, the range of adventure is fantastic. — West Coast Book Reviews

The Universe keeps getting bigger! The adventure continues in this second collection of science fiction short stories for middle grade readers. From a future that could be right around the corner, to cultures that stretch what it means to be human, the common thread of our stories are the girls and boys who take action, solve problems, and become the leaders of tomorrow. Welcome Young Explorers!

Reviews from kids (and their grownups) for the 2015 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide:

“I just wanted to let you know that I received my print copy last night. I backed the book for my 6 year old daughter. My expectation was that we would need to hold on to it for a few years. I had to pry it out of her hands to get her to go to bed. The going is a bit slow, in part because the stories are the most advanced she has read, but in part because she is so excited she has to stop regularly to explain to me what is going on in the story. She has declared it her favorite book.” ~Gary D.

“My daughter is on the couch presently, reading her copy, which I handed to her approximately 3 minutes ago. She is engrossed. Thank you. :)” ~Matthew McFarland

“Entertaining, varied and enrapturing – my young wards for the weekend have positively devoured the book and I’ll admit enjoying it myself once they very reluctantly set it down. I really hope Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide becomes a series. :)” ~Andro Berkovic

“When I was a child, the school library had a Girls’ Section, which included fairy tales, and a Boys’ Section, which included all the science fiction. Things have changed, of course, but not enough. There is a strong need for science fiction, as opposed to fantasy, aimed at girls, especially in the middle grades. This anthology is an important contribution to the effort to fill that need, and I’m delighted to be a part of it.”~ Nancy Kress, winner of six Nebulas, two Hugos, a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award

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